Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing

At Executive Action, we understand the challenges and pitfalls that your organization faces. Our experts have relevant experience and capabilities to help you take risk-based measures to efficiently meet regulatory and business obligations with regards to AML/CTF.
We offer market-leading expertise with extensive experience from 1st, 2nd AML/FCP executive functions and strategic roles with the Financial Supervisory Authorities, judiciary and financial police. Our work is tailored to the needs of your organization.
Developing and reviewing your AML/ CTF governance framework, policies, systems and procedures and corresponding organizational structures.
Expert opinion and GAP analysis of your overall AML management system, including KYC, risk rating, transaction monitoring, screening, etc.
Independent risk model validation. Our extensive experience in model development and advanced analysis of credit risk and market risk is a key advantage when building efficient AML-models.
AML/CTF efficiency issues across your organization, governance structures and processes.
Compliance or Internal Audit reviews and audits
Implementing industry- leading AML/CTF risk assessment models.
Data analysis and models to improve and streamline risk-based measures.