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International Sanctions Management

Financial institutions and other actors subject to sanctions compliance need to ensure that they have capacity and necessary capabilities to meet sanctions management obligations. It can involve the risk of reputational damage, financial penalties, restrictions in business permissions, or possible criminal charges.

As international sanctions change, so do transaction flows and methods to conceal. This includes low risk markets and means that the scope of companies and individuals that can be linked to sanctions must be readdressed.

At Executive Action, we have extensive experience of the regulatory environment for international sanctions from the U.S., E.U., U.K. and other jurisdictions. Our knowledge of how to work with screening and monitoring systems can help you effectively manage international sanction regulations and adjust progressively.

Expert advice on current sanction regimes and how to prevent sanctions infringements.

Assessing your exposure to international sanction regimes.

Policies and procedures specific to your business activities.

Knowledge about screening and monitoring systems including adjustments.

Training your staff on regulations, operation models, investigations.